Thematics of popular economy (people-based) with the focus group method

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding author: Research Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Economics, Research Institute of Islamic Studies in Humanities, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

2 University lecturer and member of the Economic Thinker Board, Khorasan Seminary, Khorasan, Iran.


One of the dimensions of resistance economy is people-based economy. After a detailed study on the works published until 2019 on the topic of people-based economy, the researchers came to the conclusion that coherent and reliable theoretical literature has not been produced in related scientific centers and there is no consensus even in the definition of people-based economy. Based on this, this research sought to address the topic of popular economy in the form of a focus group method with the presence of experts in resistance economics and Islamic economics, and with this action, provide the necessary platform for those who want to define their studies in this field. These issues are classified in four axes and it was decided to be divided into four axes: theoretical and fundamental studies, governance studies, policy making and implementation, popularization patterns and mechanisms, and interdisciplinary studies. What is important is that the economic policy makers in the three forces should, based on the theoretical foundations and the establishment of various political, legal, economic, social and educational requirements and benefit from different experiences and based on the design of the proposed models and mechanisms, create a platform for the transition from the state and rentier economy to Provide people's economy to the point where Iran's economy is known as people-based economy.
